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- Bangka-Belitung Islands is a province of Indonesia, which includes two main islands, Bangka and Belitung, and several smaller ones that lie from the east of Sumatra to the northeast of South Sumatra province. The Bangka Strait separates Sumatra and Bangka, and the Gaspar Strait separates Bangka and Belitung. The South China Sea is to the north, the Java Sea is to the south, and Borneo to the east is separated from Belitung by the Karimata Strait. The province was formerly part of South Sumatra, but became a separate province along with Banten and Gorontalo in 2000. In 2004 its population was 1,012,655. The capital is Pangkal Pinang. These islands have significant mining (the largest producers of tin in Indonesia). We also produce white pepper CPO etc. Bangka Belitung also has many beaches and smaller islands which have attracted tourists from around the world. The famous beaches are Matras beach, Parai beach, Tanjung Pesona beach, Batu Bedaun beach, Remodong beach, Pasir Padi Beach, Tanjung Kelian Beach, Rebo beach, Telok Uber Beach and many others.
Brief History
The War Era
The area of Bangka Belitung Archipelago Province, particularly Bangka Island, by turn became the conquered area of Sriwijaya Kingdom and Majapahit Kingdom. After the Dutch capitulation, it became the colony of England as The Duke of Island. On May 28, 1812 British Kingdom officially ended its authority based on London Convention August 13, 1824. The authority on Bangka Belitung then was transferred from MH. Court (Britain) to K. Hyces (Dutch) in Mentok on December 10, 1816. In 1849 - 1851, Depati Amir War raised as the opposition to Dutch colonization, led by the regent Depati Barin and his son Depati Amir. However, Depati Barin must suffer great lost and be isolated to Air Mata village in West Nusa Tenggara.
Based on stbld. 565, December 2, 1933, Residential Bangka Belitung Onderhoregenhenden was formed on March 11, 1933, led by a Bangka Belitung resident consisted of 6 Onderafdehify led by the assistants of resident. There were 5 Onderafdehify in Bangka Island, which become 5 Karesidenan (residency), while 1 was in Belitung Island.
During Japan Colonization period, Bangka Belitung Residency was put under the authority of Military Government of Japan and called as Bangka Beliton Ginseibu.
The Independence Day
After the Independence of Republic Indonesia was proclaimed, Bangka Council was formed by Dutch Government on December 10 1946 (based on stbl. 1946 no. 38), which was first led by Musarif Datuk Bandaharo Leo, inaugurated by Dutch Government on November 11, 1947. The council was acknowledged as high institution on autonomous government in Bangka Belitung. On January 23, 1948 (stbl. 1948 no. 123), Bangka Council, Belitung Council and Riau Council were united into Bangka Belitung and Riau Federation (FABERI) as the part of Federal Republic of Indonesia (RIS). Based on the decree of the President of RIS no 141, year 1950, Bangka Belitung became the part of Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) until Act no 22 year 1948 was issued. On April 22, 1950, Bangka Belitung was under the administration of South Sumatra Governor Dr. Mohd. Isa, witnessed by Prime Minister DR. Hakim R. Soemardja, and Bana Belitung Council. As the Resident of Bangka Belitung in Pangkalpinang, R Soemardja was assigned.
Based on Temporary Constitution 1950, Act no 22 year 1948, and Emergency Act no 4 of November 16, 1956) Bangka Belitung Residency was under the administration of South Sumatra Province as Bangka Regency and Pangkalpinang Small Borough.
Based on Act no 1 year 1957, Pangkalpinang became Kota Praja (Municipality). On May 13, 1971, President Soeharto officially endorsed Sungailiat as the capital of Bangka Regency. In 2000, based on Act no 27 year 2000, The Province of Bangka Belitung Archipelago was formed and it consisted of Pangkalpinang Municipality, Bangka Regency and Belitung Regency. Then, since January 27, 2003, 4 new regencies, West Bangka Regency, Central Bangka Regency,
South Bangka Regency and East Belitung Regency, have been formed as the splits of the previous two regencies, adding the previous 2 regencies and 1 municipality. The area of Bangka Belitung Archipelago Province, particularly Bangka Island, by turn became the conquered area of Sriwijaya Kingdom and Majapahit Kingdom. After the Dutch capitulation, it became the colony of England as The Duke of Island. On May 28, 1812 British Kingdom officially ended its authority based on London Convention August 13, 1824. The authority on Bangka Belitung then was transferred from MH. Court (Britain) to K. Hyces (Dutch) in Mentok on December 10, 1816. In 1849 - 1851, Depati Amir War raised as the opposition to Dutch colonization, led by the regent Depati Barin and his son Depati Amir. However, Depati Barin must suffer great lost and be isolated to Air Mata village in West Nusa Tenggara.
Based on stbld. 565, December 2, 1933, Residential Bangka Belitung Onderhoregenhenden was formed on March 11, 1933, led by a Bangka Belitung resident consisted of 6 Onderafdehify led by the assistants of resident. There were 5 Onderafdehify in Bangka Island, which become 5 Karesidenan (residency), while 1 was in Belitung Island.
During Japan Colonization period, Bangka Belitung Residency was put under the authority of Military Government of Japan and called as Bangka Beliton Ginseibu.
After the Independence of Republic Indonesia was proclaimed, Bangka Council was formed by Dutch Government on December 10 1946 (based on stbl. 1946 no. 38), which was first led by Musarif Datuk Bandaharo Leo, inaugurated by Dutch Government on November 11, 1947. The council was acknowledged as high institution on autonomous government in Bangka Belitung. On January 23, 1948 (stbl. 1948 no. 123), Bangka Council, Belitung Council and Riau Council were united into Bangka Belitung and Riau Federation (FABERI) as the part of Federal Republic of Indonesia (RIS). Based on the decree of the President of RIS no 141, year 1950, Bangka Belitung became the part of Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) until Act no 22 year 1948 was issued. On April 22, 1950, Bangka Belitung was under the administration of South Sumatra Governor Dr. Mohd. Isa, witnessed by Prime Minister DR. Hakim R. Soemardja, and Bana Belitung Council. As the Resident of Bangka Belitung in Pangkalpinang, R Soemardja was assigned.
Based on Temporary Constitution 1950, Act no 22 year 1948, and Emergency Act no 4 of November 16, 1956) Bangka Belitung Residency was under the administration of South Sumatra Province as Bangka Regency and Pangkalpinang Small Borough.
Based on Act no 1 year 1957, Pangkalpinang became Kota Praja (Municipality). On May 13, 1971, President Soeharto officially endorsed Sungailiat as the capital of Bangka Regency. In 2000, based on Act no 27 year 2000, The Province of Bangka Belitung Archipelago was formed and it consisted of Pangkalpinang Municipality, Bangka Regency and Belitung Regency. Then, since January 27, 2003, 4 new regencies, West Bangka Regency, Central Bangka Regency,
General Information
An airport tax Rp 150,000 is imposed by the airport for travelers on international routes and Rp 40,000 for those on domestic routes.
The local currency is Rupiahs (Rp). Notes come denominations of Rp 500, Rp 1,000, Rp 5,000,
Rp 10,000, Rp 20,000, Rp 50,000, and Rp 100,000. Coins Rp 500, Rp 1,000
Major cards are widely accepted by establishments in Babel, such as Visa, Master Card, etc.
Dress is normally casual and light clothing is advisable due to the hot, humid climate. Trousers or slacks and shirts are generally considered appropriate but a jacket and tie are required for formal occasions or when making official calls. For certain formal occasion's long sleeved batik shirts are acceptable. For travel to mountain areas, a light sweater or jacket is recommended. Halter tops and shorts are frowned upon in most places except around spots facilities or on the beach, proper decorum should especially be observed when visiting places or worship.
Drug abuse is viewed seriously in Babel. Illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances is strictly prohibited.
Babel voltage is 220-240 volts AC, 50 cycles per second. When shopping for electrical appliances, do remember to check the voltage of the item against the acceptable voltage in your home country. The power plugs used in Babel are of the two-pin.
It is inappropriate to use the left hand to eat or to give or receive anything.
All kind of gambling activities are illegal in Babel.
There are three mobile phone networks - GSM900, GSM1800, and CDMA - and five mobile telephone service providers - Telkomsel, Indosat, XL, Axis, and 3. To make international calls, the access codes are 001, 007, 008, 017. Dial 62 from outside Indonesia, then the city code and telephone number. Within Indonesia, the city code must be preceded by a zero (0) from most phones.
Apart from banks, money can be changed wherever the sign "Licensed Money Changer" is displayed. Visitors are discouraged from changing money with unlicensed money changers.
Western Indonesia GMT+7 (Babel)
At most hotels and restaurants service charge 21% tax and service is added to the bill. An airport or hotel porter expects Rp 5,000 per bag. It is advisable to carry small change as taxi drives are often short of change. Leaving the change is appreciated but not mandatory.
Here is a list of useful telephone numbers (toll-free):
Information : 108 Police: 112 Ambulance: 118 Fire Brigade: 113
Customs allow on entry a maximum of one litre of alcoholic beverages, 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars of 100 grams of tobacco and a reasonable amount of perfume per adult. Cameras, video cameras, portable radios, cassette recorders, binoculars and sport equipment are admitted provided they are taken out on departure. They must be declared to Customs. Prohibited are firearms, narcotics drugs, pornography, Chinese printing and medicines, transceivers and cordless telephones, films pre-recorded video tapes and laser disks must be screened by the Censor Board. There is no restriction on import or export of foreign currencies and travelers cheques, however, the import and export of Indonesian currency exceeding Rp. 100 million rupiahs is prohibited. Further information on customs and excise in Indonesia, log into
Free Tourist Visa Immigration authority will provide Free Tourist Visas for a period of 30 days to national s from 12 countries only on the basis of reciprocity. The countries are Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, the Philippines, Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR, Chile, Morocco, Peru, Vietnam and Equador.
Visa on Arrival (VOA) Visa on arrival is valid for 30 days and maybe extended under the permission of Indonesia is conditions as follows, the natural disaster happens in the place that is visiting by the tourist. And if, the tourist is sick or got an accident during other visiting. VOA Will be given to citizens of Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Denmark, Canada, Finland, France, Germany,Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Norway, Poland, South Africa, South Korea, Switzerland, New Zealand, Taiwan, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States of America, Austria, Belgium, India, Ireland, Kuwait, Luxemburg, Maldives, Egypt, Oman, Portuguese, Qatar, The People of Republic China, Russian, Saudi Arabian, Spain, Bahrain, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece , Iran, Iceland, Laos PDR, Liechtenstein, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Nederland, Suriname, Sweden, Aljazair, Czechoslovakia, Fiji, Latvia, Libya, Lithuania, Panama, Slovakia, Slovenia, Rumania, Tunisia.
Entry ports where visa-on-arrival may be issued are the Soekarno-Hatta airport in Jakarta, Ngurah Rai airport in Bali, Sultan Syarif Hasim airport in Pekanbaru, Tabing airport in Padang, Juanda airport of Surabaya and the Sam Ratulangi airport in Manado. While authorized seaports are Batam, the Sekupang, Batuampar, Nongsa, Marina, Teluk Senimba, Bandar Brintan, Talani Lagoi and Bandar Sri Udana Labon in the Riau archipelago, Sri Bintan Pura in Tanjung Pinang, Belawan port and Sibolga in North Sumatra, Yos Sudarso Tanjung Perak in Surabaya, Teluk Bayur of Padang, Tanjung Priok at Jakarta, Padang Bai and Benoa in Bali, the port of Jayapura, Bitung, Tanjung Balai Karimun, Tanjung Mas in Central Java, Tenua and Maumere in East Nusa Tenggara, Pare-Pare and Soekarno Hatta port in South Sulawesi.
VISA Application at Indonesia Embassies or Consulates Other nationals must apply for visa at Indonesia Embassies or Consulates in their home country. In addition, the visa cannot be replaced with any other of immigration letters. The visa shall then be administered by Visa Officer in the presence of the applicant concerned.
You may find Information on Indonesia embassies and consulates contact details at the Ministry of Foreign Affair website on the following direct-link: (copy
and paste the link into your browser address if it doesn't work)
a. Visas Of The Republic Of Indonesia :
- a valid passport;
- a round trip or through-ticket to country of destination;
- 2 (two) photographs, size 4 x 6 cm.
- proof or written guarantee of possession of sufficient funds for living expenses during entire stay in Indonesia ;
- Payment of the visa fee.
A visa application shall be approved if the applicant :
- has fully complied with the requirements;
- has paid the visa fee;
- is not included on the Blacklist. e. The Rejection of Visa Applications :
A visa application shall be rejected if the applicant : - has not fully complied with the requirements;
- is included on the Blacklist;
- can be included in any of the following categories, specified in Article 17 of Immigration Act No. 9/1992, which include any foreign national who :
- . is known to be or suspected of being involved in international crime syndicate activities;
- has shown a hostile attitude toward the Government of Indonesia, or has taken actions which demean the name of the people and the country of Indonesia, in his/her own country or in any other country;
- is suspected of having committed actions in conflict with national security, public order, the morality, religious values, or the traditions or customs of the people of Indonesia;
- is under a request for extradition from another country, said person having tried to escape indictment or the execution of a punishment, having committed a criminal act which is also punishable according to Indonesian law;
- has previously been expelled or deported from the territory of Indonesia; or
- has been found to be suffering from a mental illness or a contagious disease hazardous to public health.
- originates from a country which has no diplomatic relations with the Republic of Indonesia, unless otherwise established by Decision of the Minister of Justice. f. The Finalization Process:
- The visa will be stamped or attached in a national passport, or a non-national passport, or a legal travel document.
- All completed, original copies of visa application forms certified by the Visa Officer will be sent collectively on the same day to the Director General of Immigration.
- The number and date of visa issuance will be entered on the visa application form.
- The visa shall be signed by the Visa Officer.
- The passport with the newly issued visa will be returned applicant. g. Special Procedure:
Under certain circumstances, visa applications can be arranged for in Indonesia by the sponsor of the applicant concerned. In such cases, the sponsor should appear in person at the Head Office of the Directorate General of Immigration to begin the processing of the visa application as follows: - On behalf of the applicant, fill out and complete all visa requirements according to the type of visa, which includes a letter from the sponsor stating the purpose of the visit/invitation and a written statement guaranteeing the sponsor's taking responsibility for the applicant during his/her stay in Indonesia;
- Submit the visa application to the Visa Section of the Directorate of Immigration Traffic. In absence of any incriminating factors, the visa authorization for the applicant concerned shall be cabled, at the expense of the sponsor, to the overseas Visa Officer at the Indonesian Embassy or Consular Office at the applicant's place of domicile.
- Getting to Babel
- ACCOMMODATION IN BANGKA BELITUNG Bangka Belitung offers a wide variety of accommodation types to suit all budgets and preferences. They range from backpacker, budget and youth hostels to four star hotels.
Most hotels come with standard facilities like airconditioning, hot water shower, International Direct Dial (IDD) phones, internet, satelite programs, room services, mini bars, tea maker, no-smoking rooms, spa, fitness and business centres.
To find the perfect accommodation for your stay in Bangka Belitung, use our Babel Hotels Directory. All accommodation categories listed in this website will provide full information such as rates, contact details and facilities. Location map and fact sheets are also provided for your easy reference.
- RATES AND RESERVATION All rates listed in this website are published rates, furnished by the respective hotels. As most hotels have promotional rates available from time to time, we recommend that you check directly with the hotel before making any reservations. Alternatively, you can search for current accommodation promotions through our booking online travel link.
We strongly advise you to make advance reservations to avoid disappointment. Most major credit cards are accepted at some hotels and you may be required to leave a credit card imprint or number upon check-in. Please note that rates are quoted in Rupiah and maybe subject to a 10% government tax and 11% service charge.
If you arrive in Bangka Belitung without prior hotel reservations, the travel counters at the airport can help you with hotel bookings.
- You can reach every corner of the island with taxi and bus. Taxis are abundant and affordable, the bus network efficient and reliable.
- Another convenient way to travel to and from Depati Amir Airport is to take the car rental, a seven-seater Kijang Innova or APV service operating daily from 06.00 am to 18.00 pm. Many Hotel provite shuttle service, The shuttle offers a flexible routing system between Depati Amir Airport to Hotel. Bookings can be made at the service counters at the airport arrival hall.
- Tipping
This practice is optional but always appreciated.
- Hotel Phone Services
Most hotels offer in-room International Direct Dial (IDD) telephone services. However, some hotels may charge a minimum of three minute call, as there are different IDD service providers in Indonesia, rates and access codes are dependent on the service provider used by hotel. Generally, local calls are charged at Rp 1,000 for every three minutes.
To make your visit to Bangka Belitung a truly memorable experience, please contact us.
- Tipping
Jl. Jend. Sudirman no. 25. Pangkalpinang. Telp (0717) 437776, 437784
Jl. Soekarno Hatta no. 198A-B. Pangkalpinang. Telp (0717) 437600
Jl. Depati Amir no. 8. Pangkalpinang. Telp (0717) 423350
Jl. Pantai Pasir Padi. Pangkalpinang. Telp (0717) 431574, 431575
Jl. Mentok no. 3. Pangkalpinang. Telp (0717) 439071
Jl. Diponegoro no. 73. Pangkalpinang. Telp (0717) 422424, 423511, 431300
Jl. Semabung Lama no. 272. Pangkalpinang. Telp (0717) 433436, 433437, 433438
Jl. Mangkol. Pangkalpinang. Telp (0717) 421656
Jl. Kartini no. 3. Pangkalpinang. Telp (0717) 431500, 431700, 431900
Jl. Achmad Yani. Pangkalpinang.
Jl. Sriwijaya no. 1A. Pangkalpinang. Telp (0717) 421954
Jl. Masjid Jamik no. 43. Pangkalpinang. Telp (0717) 421062, 431899
Jl. Gereja no. 5. Pangkalpinang. Telp (0717) 422991, 422990
Jl. Jend. Sudirman no. 20. Pangkalpinang. Telp (0717) 432065
Jl. Merdeka. Pangkalpinang. Telp (0717) 433300
Jl. Pantai Rebo. Sungailiat. Telp (0717) 435560, 435562, Fax (0771) 435561
Jl. Jend. Sudirman. Sungailiat
Jl. A. Yani. no. 2B. Sungailiat.
Jl. Pantai Rebo. Sungailiat. Telp. (0717) 435563
Jl. Pantai Teluk Uber. Sungailiat. Telp. (0717) 435564
Jl. Jend. Sudirman no. 343. Sungailiat. Telp. (0717) 93319. Fax. (0717) 92484
Jl. Sam Ratulangi. Sungailiat
Jl. Jend. Sudirman no. 154. Sungailiat.
Jl. Jend. Sudirman. Sungailiat
Jl. Jend. Sudirman. Sungailiat
Jl. Pemuda. Sungailiat
Hotels in Belitung
- Hotel Lor In
Resort Belitung Indah. Tanjungpandan. Telp (0719) 24100
- Hotel & Club Billiton
Jl. Endek. Tanjungpandan. Telp (0719) 22887
- Hotel Bukit Perahu
Jl. Tanjung Binga. Sijuk. Telp (0719) 23901
- Hotel Martani
Jl. Yos Sudarso no. 1. Tanjungpandan. Telp (0719) 21432
- Hotel Pondok Impian
Jl. Pattimura. Tanjungpandan. Telp (0719) 22076
- Hotel Makmur
Jl. Depati Endek. Tanjungpandan. Telp (0719) 21320
- Hotel Citra
Jl. Sriwijaya no. 41. Tanjungpandan. Telp (0719) 21391
- Hotel Pandan Laut
Jl. Pattimura. Tanjungpandan. Telp (0719) 21424
- Hotel Surya
Jl. Depati Endek no. 808. Tanjungpandan. Telp (0719) 21550
- Hotel Kartika Jaya
Jl. Melati no. 43A. Tanjungpandan. Telp (0719) 24633
- Wisma Martani
Jl. Veteran no. 58. Tanjungpandan. Telp (0719) 21156
- Wisma Pantai Belitung
Jl. Pelataran Timah. Tanjungpandan. Telp (0719) 21659
- Hotel Wisata
- Jl. Numpang IV no. 678. Manggar.
- Hotel Citra 21
Jl. Jend. Sudirman no. 417. Lipat Kajang. Manggar.
- Hotel Purnama
Jl. K.A. Bujang no. 22. Gantung.
- Penginapan Nusa Indah
Jl. Pegadaian no. 87. Manggar.
- Penginapan Ibu Wenna
Jl. Jend. Sudirman. Desa Lalang Jaya. Manggar.
- Penginapan Sederhana
Jl. Bioskop Mega no. 184. Lipat Kajang. Manggar.
Babel archipelago is famous with its delicious seafoods, so dont miss this food when you are here! | Nasi Padang are usually spicy and served in many plates on one table. You just need choose what you like to eat. |
Usually made by street vendors in the evening, martabak are pan-cooked, using a specially shaped pan. After cooking, the pancake is be topped with a variety of possible ingredients: cheese, chocolate, crushed peanuts, condensed milk and sesame seeds. After the ingredients are added, the pancake is cut into half, and one side is flipped onto the other. A large amount of margarine is added throughout the whole process
| Many chinese food restaurants can be found here in Babel, so dont worry to miss them if you are lover of chinese foods. Nasi Tumpeng This foods often served when there was special celebration |
- Restaurant Mabai
Desa Tanjung Tinggi. Sijuk. Telp (0719) 24438
- Restaurant Bukit Berahu
Desa Tanjung Binga. Sijuk. Telp (0719) 23901
- Restaurant Pribumi
Jl. M.T. Haryono no. 15. Tanjungpandan. Telp (0719) 21627
- Restaurant Pondok Surya Cen-Cen
Jl. Bambang Utoyo. Tanjungpandan. Telp (0719) 22570
- Restaurant Fega
Jl. Lipat Kijang. Manggar.
- Restaurant Sari Laut
Jl. Wahab Azis no. 29. Tanjungpandan. Telp (0719) 22257
- Restaurant Ibu Mulyono
Jl. Kemuning. Tanjungpendam. Tanjungpandan.
- Restaurant Tanjung
Jl. Jend. Sudirman. Tanjungpandan. Telp (0719) 21508
- Restaurant Welas Asih
Jl. Veteran no. 68. Tanjungpandan. Telp (0719) 21886
- Restaurant Yurnalis
Jl. Gegedek. Tanjungpandan. Telp (0719) 21804
- Restaurant Ibu Atom
Jl. Gaparman no. 26. Tanjungpandan. Telp (0719) 21985
- Restaurant Cai Cai
Jl. Pasar Ikan no. 123. Tanjungpandan. Telp (0719) 22180
- Restaurant Citra
Jl. Sriwijaya no. 41. Tanjungpandan. Telp (0719) 21391
- Restaurant Simpang Raya
Jl. Jend. Sudirman no. 38A. Tanjungpandan. Telp (0719) 7000339
- Restaurant Nurjana Jl. K.V. Senang. Tanjungpandan.
What to see & Traditional Ceremony
What to see & Landmarks and Memorials
What to see & Places of Worship
What to see Cultures & Other Attractions
What to do & Sports
What to do & Souvenirs Shopping
Kain Cual is Babel custom clothes, the pattern is so beautiful and takes about as fast as two weeks with six to eight hours working time a day to make one because its handmade! The length process of making the kain cual makes the price is quite expensive. The unique thing about Babel kain cual is the durable, there was a kain cual shawl that still look beautiful and durable after hundred of years! Click here to watch the making of kain cual video. | Kain Cual Gallery Kain Cual with Golden Thread Kain Cual Craftswoman |
| Pinisi Ship shaped Pewter |
Pewter Dont forget to bring this souvenir home, the unique pewter handicrafts from Babel as the largest tin producer in the world! |
| Batu Satam as Accessories |
Batu Satam Batu Satam is also known as Billitonite Stone. The black stones came from meteorite crash millions years ago. There're only five places in the world where you can find batu satam, one of them is here in Belitung island. People often use it on accessories such as rings or necklaces. |
Kopiah resam is a hat made from pakis/ paku trees. The more softer the materials, the more elastic the hat, better quality, and also more expensive. Akar Bahar Akar bahar is black corals in the deep sea. The products are accessories like bracelets, rings, and even command stick and its believed can cure rhematic. | Very delicious snacks made mostly from high quality shrimp or fish. Best companied with 'Belacan', a spicy shrimp paste. |
- Here's the list of souvenir shops in Babel:
- Toko LCK
Jl. Jend. Sudirman no. 21. Pangkalpinang. Bangka. Telp (0717) 424163
- Kain Cual Ishadi
Jl. Jend. A. Yani no. 46. Pangkalpinang. Bangka. Telp (0717) 431206
- Toko YDK
Jl. Jend. Sudirman. Pangkalpinang. Bangka.
- Maslina Cual
Jl. Raya Sungailiat no. 17. Pangkalpinang. Bangka. Telp 081367577485
- Pewter Koperasi Timah
Jl. Jend. Sudirman no. 51. Pangkalpinang. Bangka. Telp (0717) 431335
- Kalekak Gallery
Jl. Ahmad Yani (Jalur II). Sungailiat. Bangka.
- Pewter/Tin Melt Handicraft
Jl. Raya Peltim. Mentok. Bangka. Telp (0716) 21397
- Akar Bahar Handicraft
Jl. Raya Peltim. Mentok. Bangka. Telp (0716) 21397
- Martina Renda Handicraft
Jl. Yos Sudarso no. 66. Belinyu. Bangka. Telp 08127170144
- Batu Satam Handicraft: Firman Zulkarnaen
Jl. Dahlan no. 29. Tanjungpandan. Belitung. Telp (0719) 22734
- Seashell Handicraft: Marsidi
Desa Air Selumar. Kecamatan Sijuk. Belitung.
- Toko Abak
Jl. Sriwijaya. Tanjungpandan. Belitung.
- Galeri KUKM
Jl. Sriwijaya. Tanjungpandan. Belitung.
- Cai Cai Ole-Ole
Jl. RE Martadinata no. 23. Tanjungpandan. Belitung. Telp (0719) 22180
- Kerupuk Khas Belitung
Jl. Gatot Subroto no. 36. Tanjungpandan. Belitung. Telp (0719) 21765
- Toko Acai
Jl. Pasar Ikan no. 123. Tanjungpandan. Belitung. Telp (0719) 22180
- Toko Lotus
Jl. Sriwijaya. Tanjungpandan. Belitung.
Travel bus is the most convenient transportation for carrying large groups of people. Most tours in Babel use travel bus. | Taxi is a good transportation for getting around easily. If you need a taxi, just ask your hotel to call one for you. |
Angkot is city transportation often found in Indonesia including Babel, a minibus type. It stops at certain point to another point. | You can rent a private car for hours or full day, with/-out private driver. Your hotel will call one for you if you need it. |
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